An antiprism is a convex polyhedron; a form consisting of two parallel copies of a regular polygon, connected by an alternating band of triangles.
The lights are folded from a single perforated titanium-ceramic (TiN) coated sheet of stainless steel. The folds provide stability and, by their perforations, trace the form with light into space. The angular geometry of antiprisms allows high-performance LEDs to be mounted invisibly and glare-free, directing their light upwards to be reflected by the matte white inner top face. The luminous flux is optimised and shadow casting is much reduced. The LED’s heat is dissipated by one triangle each and no extra heat sinks are required.
Sizes Ø 200-500mm, h 55-65mm / 3-7 CITIZEN COB-LEDs, 3000°K, 780-1820lm, 9-21W, dimmable CCS / Titanium-ceramic (TiN) mirror finish or colour powder coated stainless steel / textile cable, adjustable single 1mm steel wire suspension / customisable by diameter, height and number of facets